Movies Of Hell

Movies are a very popular pastime in hell with hundreds of devils and other horrific creatures sitting themselves before the TV for long periods of time. The only entertainment that seems to be more popular is the fun filled game "Pin The Dagger in the Urkel" which has become a craze. Steves punctured and painfilled body can be seen regularly running from his assailants screaming "Oh god LAURA, BOBBITS PLAYINGGGGG.

1.Pulp Fiction
You probably already know I'm a huge Tarantino fan but this was the movie that got me hooked. The swirling story line and the great characters had be watching this movie over and over I'm willing to bet ive seen this movie more times that Tarantino himself. Hard to pick a fave character because both Jules and Marcellus Wallace played there parts well.

2. True Romance
Again after watching this movie I walked to Tarantino and praised his directing skills because this movies one of the best. Boasting a cast which includes such greats as Christian Slater, Val Kilmer, Samuel.L.Jackson and Brad Pitt how he got all these greats together I will never know. The standoff at the end is action packed and like most of his films blood thirsty(No this is not a complaint I LOVE the stuff).

3. Natural Born Killers
Hells version of romance, Micky And Mallory are the greatest couple to grace the movie screen since Michael Jackson and bubbles the monkey(How this video fell into our hands only Satan knows). These to setoff across America leaving a trail of bloodshed behind them followed by the cops and the media as well as a growing amount of fans and like most great movies it was written by none other than Quentin Tarantino.

4. Seven
At first I thought the movie was named after Brad Pitts IQ but I was very pleased with his performance but it was nothing compared to the serial killer who was played perfectly. Unlike most movies these crimes were well thought out and particularly cruel and the ending is the best. If you see this movie down the video store hire it for Urkels sake every person that walks past this movie without hiring it subjects Urkel to tickle torture might not sound painful but when Freddy Kreuger is doing the tickling it's not a pleasant experience "What's that Steve you got itchy nads again ALRIGHTY THEN"

5. Dusk Till Dawn
Tarantino and clooney play two brothers, who bust out of court then rob a few stores in the process killing a number of Texas rangers and civilians.After taking three hostages including the trippy Juliette Lewis from NBK fame they set out for a rendezvous point in Mexico where things go rapidly wrong as the bar they go to is full of freaks who seem to have a taste for blood.Vampires,strippers, and not to mention great performances from Clooney and Tarantino what more could you ask for, great movie.

6. The Crow
The Crow was originally created by James O' Barr as a graphic novel. In the movie, Eric Draven and his fiance are brutally murdered on Devil's Night, a night when the henchmen of crime-boss Top Dollar traditionally indulge in wanton acts of violence and arson. A crow brings Draven's restless soul back from the dead and he sets out to wreak revenge upon his killers. O'Barr's inspiration may have come from the death of his girlfriend (fiancee?) in a car accident with a drunk driver.

7. Reservoir Dogs
What more can be said that hasn't already been repeated a thousand times? Reservoir Dogs is an epoch-making crime thriller which has rocketed Quentin Tarantino to the Hollywood 'A' list. And with good reason. No one comes away from this film without being shocked, thrilled or choked with excitement. The script is comical, gritty and real, the acting explosive and the story full of sharp turns. Chances are, if you're a crime movie fan, you will already have seen it more than once. If you're a die-hard movie buff, you probably bought one of the limited edition copies on sale at christmas. If you didn't, don't waste any more time. Reservoir Dogs is the most important film of the decade. As Tarantino said himself, "We're gonna sell you this seat, but you're only going to use the edge of I t."

8. Clerks/Mallrats
MALLRATS is a comedic and sometimes twisted adventure about boys who become men and women who are, well, still women, as we follow this group of friends through a day in their lives at their homes away from home... otherwise known as the mall. CLERKS, the first film by writer-director Kevin Smith, checks out the lives, loves, ambitions and eccentricities of two cash register jockeys at a New Jersey convenience store. As you've probably guessed I stole these reviews but I loved both these movies especially Silent Bob and Jay.And as the great Silent Bob said " Adventure... Excitement... A Jedi craves not these things".

9. Platoon
The best war movie of all time, Oliver Stone directed a masterpiece as Charlie Sheen details his experiences in the Vietnam war and the in-fighting amongst the American troops. Two officers Barnes and Alias end there differences in brutal bloodshed and by the end of the movie Stone has you begging sheen to kill Barnes well if you understood that your a genius.

10. Starwars Trilogy
You would think by now that these set of movies would have been eclipsed by more recent sci-fi videos but it's not to be they remain the greatest set of sci-fi movies. The characters are well played and well thought out as well as compelling storylines. Personally I can't wait for the new movies, hey might I suggest Roseanne Arnold to play the part of Jabba the slut and someone kill C3PO I can't stand that annoying robot.
