Welcome friends, freaks and fruitcakes to this nightmare realm known as
HELL. I am Mayhem lord of this place and if you follow my advice and stay
on the path you might just avoid having to live here. On the other hand
if you are truly evil you will find yourselves burning beside such
twisted souls as the Olsen Twins and the dreaded Steve Urkel. And
if your truly lucky you will find yourself among the guests of hell,
these lucky individuals get to inflict pain and suffering on the souls
of hell. So just have a look at the names of the tormented people in
here I'm sure you will recognise some of them, hell your name might
even be on the list.
Click here to view the people who rot in hell a
brief description and photo has been included.
Here are the demons of hell who wield the power, Maybe one day
you will be one of these people who delight in doing such things
as putting napalm in Steve Urkels underpants, of course I am one of
these people so click here for a brief glimpse at the monstrosity that is me.
At first the screams and begging's of a burning Dennis Rodman
were amusing but I soon grew tired of it so instead I purchased
the souls of 10 great bands to play for our amusement. Pictures and
descriptions are provided for each band (aaaahhhhh the soothing
effects of whitezombie).
Click here to see my favourite sites,
but please come again.

heymay@hotmail.com |